Friday, October 12, 2012

Music T: I Wore This, Go Read Steven

(I'm cheating a little on this post and back dating it but this *is* the shirt I wore yesterday)

I knew I'd get around to wearing this one sooner rather than later. It's one of my favourite shirts from one of the best concerts I've ever seen. And I have nothing to really write about beyond that. I've tried several times now to write a coherent post about Springsteen, or about his career, or about last year's passing of "The Big Man" Clarence Clemons but I find myself typing faint echoes of things I read on Steven Rubio's blog. So I give up on this one. Use my link. It connects directly to a "Springsteen" search within Steven's Online Life. It's phenomenal, really.

Oh, and The Boss is back in Vancouver on November 26 this year. And, even though Steven does it better but because it's fun, "X marks the spot" for my tickets.


  1. Replies
    1. I write the truth as I see it and I know my limitations and those I can defer to for expertise. Thanks for writing, always!
