Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Rush is On - Summer Edition

Rather than build my collection, I've decided to blog our summer adventure through shirts I see versus own. I'm also doing this on the go so formatting may vary a bit and length will definitely be reduced. There will be more pictures though!

(There's also a handful of entries that I mean to polish off from the school year but that's not going to happen until August at earliest.)

Today is Day 1 of our Alaskan Adventure, aka "the honeymoon". We flew from Vancouver to Anchorage to Fairbanks today and it was a fairly smooth journey except that Jeff's checked baggage burst somewhere between Anchorage and Fairbanks and two of my brand new (and rather pricey) cosmetic purchases were lost in the mishap. Alaska Airlines is looking and I'll be able to repurchase them at their expense if they are not recoverable.

Dinner tonight and AK Tee #1 is The Pump House, an actual historical pump house once used to pump water from the Chena River over the Chena Ridge into town. There's a restaurant and a saloon in the Pump House. 

As there was a wait for a table in the restaurant, Jeff and I tried out some local Alaskan beers in the saloon:

(Left to right: Pyramid Hefeweizen, Goose Island Honker's Ale, Alaskan Amber Alt Style Beer, and Silver Gulch Ale)

Silver Gulch, incidentally, is billed as "America's Most Northern Brewery" while The Pump House is listed in the U.S. national registry of historical sites. 

According to Foursquare, Reagan ate here in 1983. I ordered reindeer tenderloin for my main. 

(No idea what Ronnie ate.)

The view from the Pump House's deck:

The Pump House greeter:

Our hotel, the Pike's Waterfront Lodge, has a large greenhouse system set up and an advertised Iris Garden. Irises being my favourite flowers, I have to believe that this is an auspicious start to our trip (despite the luggage issue)

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